Monday, 19 February 1996

Processing Silicone Prosthetics using fiberglass (part 3)

I applied my silicone prosthetic piece made using my fiberglass mold to myself. Unfortunately the piece was slightly to big meaning the top edge couldn't stick down properly. I hid the top of the piece with my fringe to show what it would look like if it was stuck down properly. 

Overall the piece didn't apply that well because it was sculpted on a foreheard bigger the mine. I wasn't that happy with the edges of the piece because it wrinkled in a lot of places because of it being too big and there were some holes in the cap plastic. However I did like the overall look of the piece for a fantasy style prosthetic and think it changed the shape of my forehead a lot. My favourite part of the look is the texture of the piece as it had come out well and looked effective to the look. Next time I would apply this to someone with a bigger forehead/someone wearing a blad cap so that it could be stretched out fully and the edges would be better.