Thursday, 13 February 1997

The Concept of Beauty

Is beauty personal taste or is there a universal rule?

With modern technology is the golden ratio still useful?

Do we all buy into an idea of beauty?

Can a universal rule stand in good sted against an endless number of ideals, influenced by cultural definitions?


- In 2008 there was a black model on the front cover of Vouge, not another one was seen until 2011

- In 2001 Vouge was called 'the arrival of the Asian supermodel' - not one black or asian model was used in the images

 - In 2011 Chanel had 60 models on the stage at NYC fashion week - not a single male or female o
f colour

 - In 2013 Jordan Dunn said 'if you have a black face on the cover of a mgazine, it won't sell'

 - In 2013 of the models seen at New York fashion week 79% were white, 7.6% were black, 2.2% were latina and 9.75% were asian

Is there clear discrimination in the fashion industry?

Skin Bleaching

Skin bleaching is the process of using products to lighten the colour of the skin.
- two main chemicals found in skin lightening products:
- Hydroquinone - powerful chemicals, active agent in hair dyes
- Mercury - mercury chloride + ammeniated mercury - carcinogenics.
- Both chemicals inhibit the production of melanin in the skin (the amount of melanin in our skin determines how dark it is)
- Using these means people are more susceptible to skin cancer and thickens collagen fibers, damaging the connective tissues - this causes rough blotchy skin and a spotty liver appearance.
- Recently kajoic acid has started being used which inhibits the melanin production of skin
- Goes with the concept that people with lighter skin are more beautiful.
- Celebrities such as Rhinanna and Beyonce have or are rumoured to have had their skin lightened
- Black peoples skin is often lightened in photoshop when they appear on magazines and posters etc.

Lip Plates


- Might have come from slave culture to make women look more beautiful
- A lot of men in these cultures do body paintint

- Skinny tall boys with feminine features
- Linked to anime cultures
- Childlike features, pale skin etc.
- Roots could be in ancient Japanese literature.

Lady Boys - Kathoey
- In Thailand there is a '3rd gender' that we don't accept in Western culture
- This goes back to the 16th Century - male, female and hermaphrodite all accepted
- Accepted in Buddhism and in places like Asia, north American Indians
- As long as you're a good person - respect elders and parents you won't be judged or stopped in your sex life.